Collaboration & Bioeconomy Both Shone at EUBCE 2024

This year’s EUBCE—European Biomass Conference & Exhibition was held in Marseille, focusing on the balance between environmental sustainability and the economic performance of the entire biomass utilisation chain while maintaining a robust scientific foundation. Covering resources, research, innovation, deployment, and policies, the conference served as a hub for cutting-edge developments in the biomass sector. This year’s event placed a particular emphasis on fostering partnerships between academia, research institutions, and the industry.

In this light, the groundbreaking achievements of the BIO-MATTERS Cluster's six EU-funded projects were presented in an insightful parallel workshop, setting the stage for a greener, more sustainable future. Waste2BioComp, New Wave, AMBIANCE, BIO-UPTAKE, VITAL, and Horizon EU Green-Loop are dedicated to developing circular value chains for bio-based products, aiming to replace existing fossil-based ones.

The workshop was marked by enthusiastic participation, insightful presentations, and a strong emphasis on the crucial role of policy support in advancing Europe's bioeconomy goals. Silvia Maltagliati, European Commission Policy Officer at DG R&I Circular Economy and Biobased Systems, delivered a keynote address emphasising the importance of these initiatives in advancing the European Commission's bioeconomy goals. Her speech was well-received, highlighting the vital role of policy support in fostering innovation and sustainability.

The audience responded positively to the presentations, reflecting a keen interest in the innovative approaches and solutions proposed by the projects. Key speakers, including Helena Vilaça, Bert van de Beld, Andrew Gill, Gemma Ibarz-Ric, Riccardo Varotto, and Julio Vidal Navarro, shared their insights and experiences, contributing to a rich exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Main Takeaways:

  • Collaboration is Key: These projects' success underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving sustainability goals.

  • Innovative Solutions: The showcased projects provided promising solutions for creating sustainable, bio-based value chains.

  • Policy Support: The European Commission and its supportive policies were highlighted as crucial for advancing bioeconomy initiatives.

  • Audience Engagement: The positive reception and active engagement from the audience indicate a strong interest and support for sustainable bio-based innovations.

The event at EUBCE 2024 not only highlighted the projects' progress but also reinforced the collective commitment to building a greener, more sustainable future. The shared insights and experiences will undoubtedly inspire further advancements and collaborations in the bio-based sector.


By: Gemma Ibarz Ric, ITA


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