Stepping “Beyond Plastics”

In the ongoing pursuit of a more sustainable future, the European Commission has committed to transforming its economy into a circular and environmentally conscious one. Central to this endeavour is the focus on reducing plastic waste, which has become a global environmental challenge. The substitution of fossil-based materials with bio-based materials in many different products and components lies at the heart of this transition.

However, there are still questions and challenges to be addressed, such as improving the mechanical properties and durability of biopolymers and scaling up production to meet demand. It is precisely these issues that the recent "BEYOND PLASTICS" event sought to address.

The event served as an opportunity for experts and stakeholders to come together and discuss the ongoing questions surrounding biopolymers and their applications. The driving force behind this initiative was the AMBIANCE Consortium. Recognising the importance of collaboration in tackling such complex challenges, the consortium aimed to share their experience in navigating the difficulties of biopolymer development and manufacturing.

ITAINNOVA, AIMEN and SUPSI, three esteemed European Research and Technology Organisations, shared their invaluable expertise stemming from their involvement in various relevant European projects and their leading status in the field. Speakers analysed the current market landscape in Europe, how they are facing the biopolymer challenges, each from their own point of view, and how bio-based materials are key enablers in reducing the environmental impact of production processes.


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