When in Zaragoza

On December 3rd and 4th, the AMBIANCE Consortium convened for its M31 General Assembly in Zaragoza, Spain. This gathering provided an invaluable opportunity for partners to engage in insightful discussions, assess recent technical achievements, and review the progress of the use cases, ensuring a well-rounded evaluation as the project advances. Consortium members worked closely to refine strategies, align objectives, and exchange valuable insights to shape the project's next phase.

Day I kicked off with detailed updates on the project’s technical work packages and a comprehensive overview of the use cases. Partners dove into a workshop session dedicated to the use cases. Offered by SUPSI, the workshop delved into breaking down the objectives of each demo (i.e., end-user), further detailing how the objectives of each demo will be achieved, to finally analyse the relevant KPIs in 2 axes (Technical & Economic Sustainability) and describe how these will be completed. Additional KPIs may also be suggested, and the feasibility of each KPI will be evaluated.

The second day focused on the rest of the work packages, emphasising the possible risks with a dedicated workshop delivered by Giulio Gianfelici from CRIT. The impact enhancement session that followed led to an interesting dialogue, uncovering fresh perspectives and empowering partners with a refreshed vision on how to amplify the project's reach and influence. This was succeeded by a session on standardisation. The day wrapped up with a summarising session to align goals and ensure seamless coordination for the project’s next phase.

A huge thank you to ITA for coordinating the project and hosting the meeting at their Zaragoza premises, and to all the partners for their valuable contributions and exciting ideas.

See you soon!




From Lab to Fab


Sparking Innovation at Sustainable Places 2024